Friday, August 1, 2008

Baby Llama named Wally

Oh, My, Llama! It's a baby llama and his proud new owner. Actually, this is my daughter and our baby llama, Wally. This is NOT AN OFFICIAL ENTRY (so don't vote!!) but I had to share this picture. Wally was born the Friday before Mother's Day and he's such a delightful little guy.

He's growing by leaps and bounds and now eats our of our hands. Llamas by nature are very aloof animals. They want to be touched on their own terms, that is, if they are feeling like it at the moment. Don't people feel that way sometimes, too?

1 comment:

CailinMarie said...

what a very fun blog and what a great picture and IT SHOULD be an entry!!! I hear llamas make great pets. Best wishes to Wally.