Thursday, August 28, 2008
Still time left to vote for your favorite Kids and Pets
Only a few more days left to vote. Go pick your favorite of the seven entries of kids and pets. Scroll on down to see them all!
photo contest
Monday, August 25, 2008
September Contest Theme --- Sleepy Heads
Yawwwwnnnn. I'm feeling very sleepy!
I know you've snapped a picture of your little one fast asleep off in dreamland. Or maybe you've caught a kodak moment with your cutie right in the middle of a yawn, or while rubbing sleepy eyes. So send your photos on in then invite your friends and family to vote.
Okay, let's see...what can I give away for all those sleepy heads??? Oh, I know, a handmade quilt! See, it's this one that the winner will get...
It's our "baby genius" quilt and is made from a wonderfully soft cotton fabric and has bright, geometric shapes that are great for stimulation for babies. Toddlers love the bright colors, too.
Thanks for Rachel for suggesting this contest theme. She will get to shop at Silly Jilly Bean and get 25% off any one item, all for just submitting the chosen theme!
photo contest,
sleep head
Sunday, August 24, 2008

"This is Meredith and her dog Brownie Jane, they are best pals."
Maybe one day, little Meredith will be as big as Brownie Jane!
photo contest
Sunday, August 10, 2008
"Here is Lily, she truly is an angel. She is our 5yr old border collie x spaniel and she just loves kids.
The more attention she can have the better. Truly if she had hollow bones she would fly with the way she wags her tail when she sees someone she knows or likes."
...check out the angel wings!!
photo contest
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Elizabeth, 20 months, feeding Malachi, 12 years, a Milk Bone while Kathleen, 10 years, looks on..." (caption sent in by mom)
how sweet!
baby photo contest,
Monday, August 4, 2008
Lulu and Lolly

Okay, this is NOT an official entry for the kids and pets contest, but I just have to share with you Lulu and Lolly. They are Maltese doggies who venture out on a road trip taking them across the USA while charging up an insane amount on their human's credit cards. It's all documented in the new 2009 calendar which you can get your own. Go here... and find out how. Also, they have so much more for doggies, and their owners, too. Plus, they do good stuff for animals shelters all around. Oh, and the have their very own Blog, actually it's called a Dlog (for Dog Log!) Be prepared to laugh because they do their doggie speak in a very comical way!
dog calendar,
lulu and lolly,

According to their mom, these little cutie pies are TRYING to get Lulu, the dog, to pose for their Christmas picture. Geez, why do some doggies have to be so darned difficult to work with?
baby photo contest,
Friday, August 1, 2008

How sweet, this little guy and a cat named Toot Toot. Wonder what they are both looking so intently at?
baby photo contest,
Baby Llama named Wally
He's growing by leaps and bounds and now eats our of our hands. Llamas by nature are very aloof animals. They want to be touched on their own terms, that is, if they are feeling like it at the moment. Don't people feel that way sometimes, too?

He wins a personalized placemat, made from scratch by me! Our placemats are hand cut from a heavy-weight canvas and hemmed around the edges. Several layers of a food-safe, protective clear coat makes it a breeze to keep clean with a damp cloth. Hopefully, the placemat will aid in keeping this little guys' messes contained. Heck, you may even want to order two (or three or four or more) for your entire family!
contest winner,
messy baby,
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